Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Independence Day America!

Thanks for the Penny whistle request! hahahaha It's awesome! I can't wait to learn it :) hahaha I'm so glad to hear that everything worked out this week. Especially Grandpa's funeral. I'm happy to hear about how you shared my thoughts and song :) That's so cool cause it's like I was there but not :) haha I'm so glad the family is together a lot...Must be like heaven...I'll get to the Celestial Kingdom with you all one day I hope :) 
 His work is marching on. We are working hard and we have had many awesome experiences this week. For instant, a Mme that we're teaching had a dream and shared it about being in front of a chapel in white clothes and seeing water roll over her....baptism? Yep :) Hahaha it's cool cause it's just easy doctrine that we know...The Lord makes it really easy on us sometimes so we don't mess things up haha. I feel the Spirit working through me soooooo much. It's cool when I need to make a decision and I leave it to the Lord he just answers!!! 
So, we have had some people that are really having their faith tried through losing jobs and what not. But it's sooooo hard to see when they make a wrong turn and you're like, "NOOOOOO just trust Him! Just trust Him! The Lord provides for his own!" So some lessons this week I literally felt like we were just ridding their blood from our garments...People straight up told us they believed the Book of Mormon is false....the thing is....they never read it or prayed or anything...I pretty much told them ok...when you're ready to except the Lords Message I hope you get another chance. I Hope they do turn to him  and open up those closed ears, eyes, and hearts. I love you all and I miss you all!!! 
AMERICA! haha I drew a flag and had a flag raising and retiring ceremony this 4th of July while singing and listening to Mo Tab patriotic music. Happy Independence day! :) Love you all! ONE YEAR!!!!!!
Elder W. Clay Petrie

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