Sunday, July 21, 2013

Yesterday we witnessed a miracle. Thanks to the support from so many, a wonderful 10 Year Celebration for the South Africa MTC was held. What started off with a great idea from President Reber, snowballed into an event the likes of which hasn't been seen in Africa....or perhaps the whole world. Mark Mocke was able to expand the event to include the life of a missionary after a mission and throughout the rest of their life. The Church, our teachings and life-style were showcased in such an incredible way. Visitors had a look at real people living a real Christian life. Members were strengthened by being reminded how blessed they are to belong to the restored Church of Jesus Christ....and being a part of something so right and so good!
From the first meeting with their tour guide (an Elder from the Johannesburg Mission), the welcome to the MTC by President Reber and me, the displays of every facet of the Church, to the last bite of the frosted cupcake, each of the 529 visitors were edified.

Your missionary was on display of what a missionary does at the MTC....they were in class, studying with their companion, teaching or being taught.  They helped with the set up and take down of the displays.  They were a vital part of the event.

President Reber and I feel blessed to have been a part of this historic event.
Sister Janet Reber
South Africa MTC

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